Providing Crisis Support for Our Front Line Responders and Healthcare Professionals

Disaster Responder Assets Network Blog

Disaster Responder Assets Network (DRAN) is comprised of men and women that have dedicated their lives to service of others. Each of us comes from different backgrounds, bringing a depth and breadth of experience that when combined creates a force far greater than the sum of its parts.


So many emotions… I am en route to the Navajo reservation. As of today, the US has had over 100K deaths from COVID-19, which is more than a quarter of the total death toll worldwide. The US is currently at 15% death rate. We have the highest numbers worldwide, more than three times the next highest country, Brazil ( I am so overwhelmed.

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Journey-with Frontline Hero Nataly Kuznetsov

From Arianne Zucker's Podcast series Everything from A to Z...                 My next special guests daily "Journey" is something extraordinary. She is a first responder, she herself has suffered trauma and with that trauma she...

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National Nurses Week

THANK YOU! To all of the nurses, to those of you helping others rather than yourself, to those caring for your patients while others look after your families, to those bringing calmness and tenderness to people during times of stress and fear, we send our greatest...

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COVID-19 Pandemic Updates and Resources

COVID-19 Pandemic Updates and Resources

Resources for Front Line Responders Comprehensive ultimate list of resources and discounts for health care professionals and front line responders! Costco allowing front line responders and health care professionals to the front of the line! Free Mental Health...

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