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Take 5 to Feel Better!

Facebook Live!

Join Angel Goodson Heiney, MA, CATP, CCTP, as she helps provide some simple strategies to make a bad day better. This Facebook Live event will provide tips and tools for parents and children to cope better with life's everyday difficulties.  

DRAN’s Working with Front Line Responders and Healthcare Professionals: What a Clinician Needs to Know

Zoom Online

This course is designed to give clinicians the tools they need to provide more effective treatment to our front line responders and healthcare professionals. Public Safety careers and the current COVID-19 crisis leave our responders and professionals with unique experiences, stressors and symptoms. This 90 minute course will provide the insight and specific tools needed […]


DRAN’s Clinician Training

Zoom Online

DRAN's Working with Front Line Responders and Healthcare Professionals: What a Clinician Needs to Know This course is designed to give clinicians the tools they need to provide more effective […]

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